Emirates Investment Corporation...

EMIC Air Services

Since its inception 1996, Emirates Investment Corporation is looking up, literally and figuratively. Guided by a great vision of our Chairmen, we have decided to take this exciting step towards the future. By partnering with Jet Privati, we combine the knowledge and experience with passion and dedication.

In an increasingly borderless world of today, we deliver a whole new level of committed services. With superior strengths in the region, we are all set to dominate the local market of harboring ambitions to fly beyond. Under leadership of our Chairman, we continuously grow and support the growth of our clients.

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci

To be known for quality of our services, recognized for our innovative approach and to become synonymous with excellence in private commercial air transport. To continuously improve our facilities and services. We are customer driven in everything we do and our goal is not to meet, but exceed expectations. To provide an ideal working environment that stimulates growth and development.

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.
To offer value driven solutions to our customers is a personal mission for everyone at EMIC Air Services. Our multinational team of specialists bring knowledge, experience and dedication as we are all set to reach the next level, widening our horizons and aiming for global skies.

Our Services are prepared specifically as per requirements of our passengers. Our team is available 24 hours, 7 days a week ensures every aspect of the flight is planned through and executed

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